Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I am not sure why I am doing this.....

But I guess I will get started and see how it goes.   I just sometimes feel like there are things I want to say and I am not sure where to say them?   I have A home today from school.   I think now that he is not sick, he is just wiped out tired and maybe emotionally exhausted too.   But he is resting and that is good.   I think sometimes he feels like he needs to "keep up" with M.   Like keeping up with the Joneses.   But he is not M, he is A, and he is wonderful and perfect just the way he is.
Do you ever feel like there are so many things you should be doing, but they never get done?   I have started keeping a little list on the edge of the desk of the kitchen.   I write things down as I think of them and hope that they get remembered the next day.   Today?   Anything that was to be done outside the house will not get done.   Including mom's birthday card.   It sucks that I procrastinated and now it will be late.   I always seem to have that problem with birthday cards.   It is on the calendar and I know it is coming but I wait until the last minute and it is late, or I buy the card waaaaayyyy ahead of time and forget.  
But I am home without kids all day now, and I should be able to get things done.   I need to change the vacuum cleaner bags before A and G come tomorrow to clean, and I have to figure out the de-humidifier in the basement.   So I am going to do that now.    Seriously, right now, without getting distracted on the way.   Except maybe by the laundry.